Makansutra Ebook 2025!

Lim Hin Fresh Fruit Juice 51 Old Airport Rd #01-36, Old Airport Rd Hawker Ctr (Map) 11am – 8pm

James passed. on a few years back but the spirit of his friendly demeanor as he zips about in this hawker centre, lives on. His wife, brother, and daughter now help helm the stall. Their sour soup or guanabana juice is still the gold standard in Singapore. They get their supplies from an old pal in Malaysia all these decades and the quality shows...dense, rich, sour yet citrussy sweet and with meaty chunks of the flesh. We love to add lemon to an order which sharpens the tangy quotient and it goes so well with the heavy, sometimes grease friendly food in the hawker centre. It's naturally spiked with anti-oxidants and so refreshing. They were once the king of juices at the defunct Taman Serasi hawker centre outside the Botanic Gardens. RIP. James.

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