Bedok Chwee Kueh Blk 208 New Upper Changi Rd #01-19, Bedok Interchange Hawker Ctr (Map) 7am – 7.30pm Daily
This is another successful line of outlets which began humbly in this area decades ago. Such items are quite easy to duplicate in bulk hence they now have numerous outlets around. Their steamed rice cakes are extremely soft and smooth, teasingly wobbly when you pick them up and they almost melt in the mouth. Their chai po (preserved daikon bits) are basic but done very diligently with hints of garlic and roasted sesame seeds, among other secrets. There is often a line for this and you'll need to down 5 of them in a go before you can be satiated. Add a dollop of sambal to seal the real deal here.
Ghim Moh Chwee Kueh Blk 20 Ghim Moh Rd #01-54,
Ghim Moh Mkt & Food Ctr (Map) 6.15am – 6.30pm Daily
This old couple still uses elbow grease to churn them out. A huge stack and racks of the rice cake sit out front of the stall and are cooled by a fan (best to eat them freshly cooled off the giant in-stall steamer). They are very friendly and work like clockwork upon hearing your order: pick up, scoop up, top up, pack and serve. Their chwee kueh is vintage classic, just soft and wobbly enough with an agreeable texture. The preserved chai po toppings have a sweet and salty sensation and is very moreish. You should have them with some sambal and then you'll realise why there's a queue for it everyday.
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