Makansutra Ebook 2025!

Kim Lee Carrot Cake Blk 49 Sims Place #01-30,

Sims Vista Mkt & Food Ctr (Map) 7am - 12pm (Or till sold out)

Mon & Tue

Often the mark of a good chai tow kway is whether the hawker hand makes them in the stall or use store-bought ones. They control just how the handmade cakes should be based on their style of frying and flavouring. Here, it’s no exception; they have a huge industrial cupboard steamer and each afternoon, you can see them grating the radish to make numerous trays of cake. It comes a whisk springier, and they first fry up the cakes till it is roasty and yet soft within before they lay on the garlic, chai po (sweet pickled radish bits), and seasoning, to prevent burning them. The flavours are light, and you get to taste the steamed and pan-seared cakes and it comes generously eggy. Go early as this is a breakfast spot.

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