Makansutra Ebook 2025!

Roast Paradise

51 Old Airport Rd #01-121, Old Airport Rd Hawker Ctr (Map) 10.30am - 6pm Daily (or till sold out)

Kai Koh is one of the most determined street food entrepreneurs in Singapore. He started with nary any clue about the business nor about cooking. He quit his corporate job, visited and learned from his roasted meat relatives in Malaysia, and never turned back. He and partner Randall tweaked it and now offer a very sinful wood-roasted cha siew (honeyed pork) and sio bak (roast belly pork). He even uses the not-so-traditional belly pork cut for the cha siew. The marinate looks like caramelised bark and it is extremely moreish. They now offer roast duck as well and they have a few outlets in the country currently- but again manpower issues have been their bugbear and inconsistencies creep into the chain outlets. We stick to this flagship stall where Randall still helms it.

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