Makansutra Ebook 2025!

Cendol Geylang Serai 1 Geylang Serai #02-107,

Geylang Serai Mkt & Food Ctr (Map) Mon: 9am - 3pm, Tue-Fri: 9am - 5pm Sat & Sun: 9am - 4pm

This is a specialty stall in the area and there is a short, fast and consistent line of customers. Two huge speakers blast out latest hits and a big sign “No Red Beans” stares at you up front and centre of the stall. This is the original version with soft shaved ice, so don’t harass them for “strange” extra toppings like attap chee or palm fruit. The jelly is pale green and has a soft luscious texture wiht hints of pandan and again the balance of the rich coconut milk and palm sugar sweetness is very well tempered to suit an evolved local palate.


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