Makansutra Ebook 2025!

Dong Ji Fried Kway Teow 51 Old Airport Rd #01-138, Old Airport Rd Hawker Ctr (Map)

10.30am – 7pm Daily (or till sold out)

The queue is constant for a simple reason. The master and his cooks here do not fry more than two portions at a time – as is how this Penang style char kway teow should be done. The heat distribution for the noodles must be even and over high heat. The attendant wok- hei (heat of the wok) aroma is evident and it shows. They use only top-grade soy sauce to flavour the noodles and the egg fried and folded over the noodles gives them extra texture and flavour. But we have had on many occasions felt the inconsistency of the dish here, perhaps due to the rush of the peak hour crowds. But on a good day, this char kway teow can cure sadness!


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