Makansutra Ebook 2025!

100 Mixed Veg. Rice & Porridge 861 North Bridge Rd #01-100, North Bridge Rd Food Ctr (Map) 10am – 3pm Ad-Hoc

We don’t know how they do it, but a whole meal, consisting of a 10-inch freshly steamed fish (from mullet to snapper) with sides of salted vegetables, tofu, and egg, can cost a ridiculous $10 or so (on most days and depending on supply). When asked “we have old and poor regulars and we cannot bear to profit from them” was the hawker’s reply. Bless them. Food- absolutely hearty and homely and we’re not rating them for their big-heartedness. The steamed fishes are done on the fly and do wait for it if you can. That, with a bowl of porridge or rice with some humble sides like Szechuan vegetables with pork or sambal haebi is Teochew food heaven in its simple element. There’s always a queue and please, don’t question them why they cost 50 cents or a dollar more on some days, it's already too affordable for this expensive city of ours. Bless you, too.


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