Makansutra Singapore Food Ebook 2025

Teochew Kway Tiao Mee

91 Whampoa Dr #01-07, Whampoa Mkt & Food Ctr (Map) 5.30am – 10.30am

Mon, Fri, Sat & Sun

There’s bak chor mee, mee poh tah , and Teochew mee, all culinary gifts the Teochews showered onto this delicious land of ours. Their mee kia and mee poh sell out so fast each morning that they have a prepared sign saying “mee pok and mee kia sold out” that appears by about 9 am. The soup version, that has a flotsam and jetsam of minced pork and fats sitting in the broth, comes nicely sweet and is brewed with prawn shells (you can see it simmering in the soup pot). The toppings of fresh shrimps, fish balls (albeit smaller than usual), greens, fish cakes, and fried shallots are so comforting. I like their dry version and do ask for a shot of black vinegar over the dry sambal chili version.


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