Sin Huat Seafood
659-661 Geylang Lor 35, Sin Huat Eating House (Map) 6.30pm – 1am Daily
This is a seafood temple of sorts that the late Anthony Bourdain swears by often when he drops by this city for his gigs. Chef Danny, a local born and bred self-taught chef, is still the undisputed master of the signature Crab Beehoon noodles which Tony “wouldn’t mind if the world ended right after this meal.” It is done with the huge and respectable Sri Lanka crabs with a rich stock, absolutely absorbed by the noodles as he fries it. The other wow and “life- changing” seafood dishes include the black bean sauced in-shell scallops, steamed fresh frog legs with garlic and 6 bottles of chicken essence (if you need to power up for the night), train track or steamed "MRT Prawns" (see it for yourself why), and even the boiled gong gong (pearl conch) dipped with a complex prune sauce with chilli and garlic. Prices are not cheap in the run-down coffeeshop (at least $100 per head) but you may just bump into world celebrities like Michelle Yeoh and even Jacky Chan, but sadly, not Bourdain anymore.
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