169 Hainanese Chicken Rice 335 Smith St #02-169, Chinatown Cplx Food Ctr (Map) 11am – 3pm Wed
Judging from the heartland Chinatown aficionados (read: old fussy palates) that throng this stall each day, you can tell something is right about their chicken rice. Despite being served in wobbly styrofoam to reduce manpower and cleaning costs, it hits all these notes in the right places. The poached chicken (the more popular and traditional version) here comes with gelatinised juices peeping from each slice of the fowl. It is smooth and soft, and you can taste the chicken/pandan stock it was poached in. The rice is soft enough, but not overly so and it comes with a stinging, tangy chilli sauce which we advise you to go easy on. You can instead dip them in the caramel soy sauce or ginger sauce. They also offer gizzards and liver plus the usual comforting plate of bean sprouts and oyster sauce greens.
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