Liao Fan Hawker Chan 335 Smith St, #02-126,
Chinatown Complex Food Ctr (Map) 10.30am – 3.30pm Sun
One of the most famous soy chicken sauce noodles in Singapore. They have a few branches and now have a central kitchen operation. They use a smaller chicken and a very decadent herbal soy braise to cook the fowls. The noodles are springy and softly resilient as how this should be. The chickens used are smaller and not as juicy as the fat chicks and are neatly hung out and lit prettily. The dark and shiny coat on the chickens is very alluring as it comes from the dark soy braised used which has a nice balance of sweet and savoury notes. This is the flagship original stall and this is the one we are rating and listing. The queue are daily affairs made largely of tourist and foreigners.
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