Outram Park Fried Kway Teow
531A Upper Cross St #02-17, Hong Lim Mkt & Food Ctr (Map) 6am – 3pm Sun & PH
It's crazy to think these folks will offer you a plate of this gorgeously sinful noodles at 6am, but there's already a line for their char kway teow. These Cantonese folks learnt this dish from a Teochew master decades ago and never looked back. Theirs come roasty with full wok-hei (wok's breath), sweetish with a clear savoury touch and the little cockles and its juices add another dimension of flavour into the dish. If these folks retire, then we would have lost a hawker legend as a new generation is not willing to take over the business. Often, these this dish is fried in small batches for the complex heat control, but they are the only one we know, who does it in bigger batches yet still retain the attendant elements of a good cha kway teow. Absolute skill and necessity are their order of the game.
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